brand writing

Case Study: Designing an Ebook as a Lead Magnet

Case Study: Designing an Ebook as a Lead Magnet Lead magnets have become indispensable tools for businesses looking to attract and convert potential clients. For those not familiar, a lead magnet is a valuable piece of content, such as an ebook, that’s typically given away for free or for a nominal fee in exchange for


Case Study: Cacique Construction Branding Campaign

With more than 15 years in the high end home design and construction market along the Connecticut Shoreline, Cacique Construction decided it was time to give themselves a proper Brand Mark.  They asked for something meaningful and finely crafted, that would tell a story not just about who they are and where they come from,


Case Study: New Milford Business Website Build Out | Why A WordPress Website is a Perfect Fit for Forward Thinking Businesses

The phone rings… DS. “Hello, thank you for calling DiGuiseppi Studios, how can we help?” ER. “Good morning, I’m calling from Enhanced Renovations here in New Milford, CT. Our company specializes in high-end home design & renovation services, and I’m looking for help with my WordPress website, do you guys do just the technical stuff…I already

marketing conferences infographics media talent

Spark Digital Marketing Conference. Speaker Spotlight Matt Siegel

Who do you use for your writing? I’m not talking about who does your editing, and who proofreads your work. I’m talking about your actual story. The tone, the vocabulary and the actual ideas themselves. DiGuiseppi Studios has a long working history with our favorite writer and editorial consultant, Matt Siegel. ( Yes, the same


A Marketing Lesson from Breaking Bad.

When it comes to making your own product, it’s a good idea to consider a few things. First and foremost, your product must be of great quality. No one is going to fall out of their chair for a subpar, half-crafted, partially gelatinized non-dairy gum-based beverage. Make sure you source the finest quality whatever to