All posts tagged: marketing


How to Build an Awesome Website Using WordPress

Build a Website Using WordPress. You’ve heard of it, or you haven’t either way, something like 30% of all new websites being built right now are authored on WordPress code. It’s market hold is growing and for good reason, we predict that it’s going to continue to be a hot trend in the web technology of


5 Biggest Mistakes Your Company is Making with it’s Brand Media

Your mistakes in branding trickle down and stain your reputation, hopes and dreams won’t save the day. You have to want to see the brand represented with quality and consistency, and with the highest level of consideration you can afford to bring into the endeavor. Many company leaders take it upon themselves to make decisions on

marketing conferences infographics media talent

Spark Digital Marketing Conference. Speaker Spotlight Matt Siegel

Who do you use for your writing? I’m not talking about who does your editing, and who proofreads your work. I’m talking about your actual story. The tone, the vocabulary and the actual ideas themselves. DiGuiseppi Studios has a long working history with our favorite writer and editorial consultant, Matt Siegel. ( Yes, the same