All posts tagged: new milford ct

Case Study: Cal Management Group

Customer Description: Cal Management Group works directly with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and DIY Investors in what they call “Outside-The-Box Strategic Planning & Analysis”. Hard to tell you all the details in one sentence, so we built a whole website / corporate brochure to tell the rest of the story. Work Completed: Our team was tapped


Case Study – Langton’s Rare Coin and Currency

Client’s Challenge. When we first stepped on to curate the Langton’s Rare Coin and Currency brand mark we were posed with a primary challenge. The first use case for this design would be turning the logo mark into a stamp, that could be impressed directly into silver bars.  This request is a wonderfully unique and


How To Edit a Photograph in Photoshop 101

In this online video tutorial, we will teach you how to open a photograph in photoshop, and edit that photo. Please enjoy this very simple walk through on how to use the selection tool, the layers, palette, how to clone out an ugly window and more. If there are other videos you’d like to see


How to Build an Awesome Website Using WordPress

Build a Website Using WordPress. You’ve heard of it, or you haven’t either way, something like 30% of all new websites being built right now are authored on WordPress code. It’s market hold is growing and for good reason, we predict that it’s going to continue to be a hot trend in the web technology of


Case Study: Hellman Health & Wellness Builds A Proprietary Health Plan Assessment Portal.

Case Study: Hellman Health & Wellness. Customer Needs & Summary: Very successful nutritional expert with a history of quality customer loyalty, and positive growth is looking to take their entire game plan to the next level. What is that level you ask?  A digitally packaged health & wellness plan that gives folks an personalized, high-quality health


Case Study: New Milford Business Website Build Out | Why A WordPress Website is a Perfect Fit for Forward Thinking Businesses

The phone rings… DS. “Hello, thank you for calling DiGuiseppi Studios, how can we help?” ER. “Good morning, I’m calling from Enhanced Renovations here in New Milford, CT. Our company specializes in high-end home design & renovation services, and I’m looking for help with my WordPress website, do you guys do just the technical stuff…I already