All posts tagged: website maintenance


How to Build an Awesome Website Using WordPress

Build a Website Using WordPress. You’ve heard of it, or you haven’t either way, something like 30% of all new websites being built right now are authored on WordPress code. It’s market hold is growing and for good reason, we predict that it’s going to continue to be a hot trend in the web technology of


Case Study: Hellman Health & Wellness Builds A Proprietary Health Plan Assessment Portal.

Case Study: Hellman Health & Wellness. Customer Needs & Summary: Very successful nutritional expert with a history of quality customer loyalty, and positive growth is looking to take their entire game plan to the next level. What is that level you ask?  A digitally packaged health & wellness plan that gives folks an personalized, high-quality health


10 Reasons Why Your Website Should be Re-Developed with Mobile-Ready a.k.a Responsive Website Code.

10 Reasons Why Your Website Should be Re-Developed with Mobile-Ready a.k.a Responsive Website Code. It’s no secret, everyone you see is on their smart phone. The new phone models feature large and lightweight displays that are like having a personal pocket-sized window to browse the entire world wide web. From reading our emails, responding to messages, and endlessly researching all